Here, There, How
Where do we go in 2022
Here there how explained
Finding “Here”
New year, new building, new opportunities. New wine needs new wineskins. We start working together to find our strengths and weaknesses. Where is our church strong? Where is it weak.
Your turn to share your ideas!
Finding There
We found our “Here”. Now we need to find “There”. What does God want from us in 2022. This video explains what “There” means.
Here is our finished “Here” list for our church strong and weak points.
Here are the first ideas for “There” from Saturday and Sunday January 22 and 23. This is not the final list. We probably won’t be doing all these things. We may start some things earlier than others.
Please pray about this list. Ask God what He wants for our church.
Have ideas to share? Click here to email pastor and it will be added.
Next Saturday and Sunday we’ll pray and discuss more about “There”. We want what God wants.
Decision time!
We've taken January and now February asking God what to focus on in 2022.
We have a list. The top three are:
Small groups
Children's programs.
Rest of the list:
Help people develop their talents
More with the Holy Spirit
More time together
More enthusiasm
Reach out to people here, other countries
Resources like reading, video lists
Maybe add prayer to the final list?
Please pray about this. God willing, This Saturday and Sunday we agree on the 3-4 things God wants us to focus on.
Go shine Jesus,
After prayer, we all decided God wants us to focus on these four things this year:
Small Groups
Children’s Programs
HOW? That’s the next step. We’ll start finding what God wants this Saturday and Sunday.